The last of the Mohicans

da bambino ho visto una volta sola il film The last of the Mohicans del 1936, regista Geroge B. Seitz e successivamente sono riuscito a trovare il libro, avrò letto questo libro minimo 30 volte!

Mi entusiasmava il carattere deciso dei coloni che si erano organizzati con una loro milizia per difendersi dagli indiani ostili ma anche dai francesi e dagli stessi inglesi.

Mi entusiasmava quel senso di fedeltà, attaccamento ad una terra che non era ancora loro ma che loro i coloni sentivano "propria terra da vivere" o.."propria terra dove morire"!



As a child I only saw one time the movie The Last of the Mohicans of 1936, the director Geroge B. Seitz and later I was able to find the book, I will have read this book at least 30 times!

I was enthusiastic about the determined character of the settlers who had organized themselves with their own militia to defend themselves against hostile Indians but also from the French and the English themselves.

I was thrilled that sense of loyalty, attachment to a land that was not yet theirs but that the settlers felt "their own land to live" or .. "own land where to die"!


Una Orchestra per una musica unica - An Orchestra for a unique music

FILM 1992 in English language, Movie Director: Michael Mann